Sunday, November 4, 2007

How Am I Physically?

I'm tired. I don't know if I'm tired because radiation destroyed some of my cells and my body has to work overtime to recreate them, or I'm tired because we're in a transitional season and I'm working long hours. Everything becomes cancer-centric even when a connection to it is farfetched.

I sometimes forget that I still have limited use of my left arm. This is the arm from whose armpit 15 lymph nodes were extracted and although I'm getting some sensation back - for example, I can feel myself applying deoderant - an area of my upper arm is still numb. Sometimes, such as when I stab my electronic card at the parking entrance at work, I overreach and then my arm hurts. I've been told not to lift anything heavy in this arm, including weights. For the rest of my life, blood tests, injections and anything involving the active use of an arm and its contents must be done from my right arm. I wonder how much more time will pass before I get full feeling back.

I've put on weight. Initially, I put on weight because I tend to overeat but I should've been smart and lost a few kilos before beginning the Tomoxifen. Now my jeans pinch around the waist and the thighs. I don't know if there's any point in even trying to diet.

I have hot flushes. When I stopped taking HRT, I began to get a few hot flushes a day. They didn't last more than a minute or two and were more or less bearable, even those that left a faint line of sweat on my upper lip. It was, after all, summer and there were times when I didn't know if I was having a flush or it was just damned hot. A hot flush, for those who have never had one, begins in the depths of the body and spreads itself all over while concomitantly increasing in intensity. It has been referred to as 'cooking from the inside'. I think their frequency has increased since I began to take Tomoxifen - a spot check over the last four hours shows I was getting one every hour on the hour for the first three and the fourth one a mere 50 minutes later. If it gets worse than this I'll be dressing for summer in the depths of winter.

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